Dark Brahma Large Fowl - 6 Eggs
Although the name Brahma is taken from the river Brahmaputra in India, it is now generally agreed that they were created in America from large feather-legged birds imported from China in the 1840s known as Shanghais. These were crossed with Malay-type birds from India, known as Grey Chittagongs, which introduced the pea comb and the beetle brow. Rivalry between breeders of various strains led to a wide variety of names and much confusion. A panel of judges meeting in Boston, MD, USA, in 1852 declared the official name to be Brahmapootras, later shortened to Brahma. After a consignment of nine birds was sent to Queen Victoria in 1852, the Brahma became one of the leading Asiatic breeds in this country. Both light and pencilled Brahmas were included in the Poultry Club’s first Book of Standards in 1865.
Uses: Exhibition / Ornamental. Eggs: 120-180.
Origin: Asia / America.
Weight: Cock: 4.55 – 5.45Kg, Hen: 3.2 – 4.10Kg.
Bantam: Cock: 1080g, Hen: 910g.
Useful to Know: Indoor housing is often used by exhibitors during bad weather to avoid feathers on feet from being broken. Dark versions require double mating (using separate cock and hen breeders) to obtain the best markings.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS - We guarantee that the eggs will reach you intact but cannot guarantee that they will hatch. This is because we have no control over what happens to them once despatched. A broody hen may have left the nest, there may have been an incubator malfunction or power cut, all or any of which would affect the viability of the developing embryo. What we do know is that the eggs are viable at the time of despatch as fertility is constantly monitored. As fertile eggs are perishable we are not able to accept cancellations once the eggs have been despatched. Nor do we accept returns.